Baked Cheesecake 芝士蛋糕

A simple 4-ingredient cheesecake derived from Gordon Ramsey’s recipe.

Ingredients 配料

This recipe makes about 8 servings of cheesecake. You can scale the amount accordingly.


Ingredient 配料Amount 用量Notes 备注
Cream Cheese 奶油芝士500g
Castor Sugar 细砂糖145g
Eggs 鸡蛋3 pcs / 3个
Flour 面粉24gAP flour will do just fine
Lemon Zest 柠檬皮擦丝1 lemon / 1个柠檬的皮Optional, amount as you prefer
Citric Acid or Lemon Juice
1g / 3mLOptional, amount as you prefer
Blueberry or Raspberry
100gOptional, amount as you prefer

Steps 步骤

  1. Soften cream cheese, whisk eggs
  2. Mix everything together except eggs and flour, mix well
  3. Add whisked eggs to the mix slowly while stirring
  4. Add flour slowly into batter while stirring
  5. Pour batter into baking container
  6. Preheat oven to 200℃
  7. Adjust temperature to 160℃, put container into oven, bake for 45 minutes
  8. After baking shut down oven, open oven door and let the cheesecake sit in the oven to cool until able to handle by hand
  9. Put cheesecake in fridge, sealed. Refrigerate for 8 hours
  1. 软化奶油芝士,鸡蛋搅匀
  2. 除了鸡蛋和面粉面粉以外其他配料加入,混匀
  3. 边搅拌边缓慢加入鸡蛋
  4. 边搅拌边缓慢加入面粉
  5. 面糊倒入模具
  6. 烤箱预热到200℃
  7. 烤箱调整到160℃,进炉烤制45分钟
  8. 烤完后关闭烤箱,打开炉门,不要取出芝士蛋糕,在炉内冷却到可以用手操作的温度
  9. 密封放冰箱冷藏8小时

Notes 备注

  1. Mold can be anything from loaf pan to high temperature glass bowl (as shown in photo)
  2. Cheesecake will grow when baking and shrink back after it cools down
  3. For faster cool-down you can just take the cheesecake out of the oven to cool, although the center may sink
  4. Refrigeration gives cheesecake a firmer texture, it’s not strictly necessary
  5. Baked cheesecakes can be frozen for very long time, and consistency won’t be compromised
  6. Grind sugar into a powder with a coffee grinder will make it very easy to be mixed.
  7. Adjust temperature and time according to your oven.

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