I have used the XP-80 I fixed some time back, I recently had to re-open it and re-solder some SMT chips again due to a no-booting issue. While I’m in there I replaced the LCD screen with a new one.
You need to buy new LCM32080 LCD module. You can buy one from Sinda Display (https://www.sindadisplay.com/Contact-us.html).

There is some difference between the original and the new screen, mainly the backlight voltage. To use the new LCD you need to first modify your XP-80’s main board. If you have to try the LCD, disconnect the backlight lines or the synth’s +-15V supply.
The new LCD has a low-voltage backlight and draw much more current than the original SHARP one. To accommodate that I disconnected the -15V supply to the LCD backlight and connected the LCD backlight negative side to ground. I disconnected the +15V supply to the LCD and connected it to +5V via a 47R resistor. You can use a larger value resistor if you want dimmer backlight. This resistor has to have a power rating of at least 1W! Failing to do so is a fire hazard!
The new LCD still need the negative bias voltage so that has to be retained.

After tearing down the unit, carefully remove the bezel from the original module by inserting a knife blade. Re-assemble the unit with the new LCD module, and finally apply double-sided tape and stick the bezel onto the new LCD module from outside the unit.